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The 2008 MTV awards was on September 7th in 2008 and some of the best dressed Celebrities took the stage with some of the most beautiful outfits we've seen in the past decade. One of my favorite Celebrity Pics from the MTV awards was Pink and her stylish black leather outfit she wore. Another very hot Celebrity on stage at the 09 MTV awards was non other then Rihanna who was sporting a very stylish hairstyle that featured v shaped sideburns and spiked hair with blond streaks blending into her dark black hair and a very sexy tube shirt with white laces and headlined with green and black materials, what a gorgeous bunch of pictures taken of Rihanna.

Chris Brown has some nice pics taken of him at the awards sporting a very nice and professional white suit, while Celebrity Lil Wayne kept it gangster styles in his pics. The music and film awards in 2008 were some of the best places to take pics of hollywood celebrities and musicians as they all tried to out fashion each other.

The 2008 American Music Awards saw the Jonas Brothers sporting very stylish grey suits and one of those Jonas Brothers dressing very professionally, which I think helps kids try and become more mature like their favorite Celebrity stars and having celebs give a mature look in attitude and fasion is an easy way for stars to become role models to their fans. Beyonce Knowles hands down had the best dresses we've seen in pictures for 2008 and behind her was Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Simpson and Amy Winehouse.